Qualified Distributor (QD) is a crucial first step. Well done to new QD – Helen Adams
There is no shortcut to success with UW
On this website we often write about the successes of UW Partners, especially those involving high level promotions to Group Leader, Senior Group Leader and beyond. Whilst it is good to recognise these significant UW success stories, let us not forget that every successful UW Partner started with no customers gathered and no Partners recruited. There is no shortcut to success with UW. There is no free-lunch, no free-ride and no ‘get rich quick’ stories to boast of. In simple terms, UW does not discriminate, but instead offers the same ‘level playing field’ to all, with no favours given for experience, age, academic success, social status, background and/or any other variable.
So today, we thought it would be good to recognise a new UW Partner at the very start of their journey – recently joined, just completed their training, still being mentored and with their first results chalked up.

Reaching Qualified Distributor is a critical first step
It is with pleasure therefore that we recognise Helen Adams for today reaching that all important first milestone of UW Qualified Distributor (QD). Helen is a busy mother of two lovely children. She works as a Primary School Teacher but owing to a shortage of supply work (due to the Covid-19 health crisis), was considering her options. Through a close friend, Helen was introduced to the potential financial rewards of becoming a UW Partner and after a period of evaluation, got started at the beginning of October.
Like all new UW Partners, Helen completed a simple online getting started course. She then went on to invest in further online training, before feeling confident enough to sign-up her first customers. For around 10 hours invested in actual results driven activity, as of close of business today, Helen has signed up five personal customers, plus has a team of four other new UW Partners. We think it is exciting to note that these flexible hours invested during October will earn Helen a significantly higher hourly rate than she is paid as a Primary School Teacher.
It is good to know that the UW Partner opportunity is making a difference for Helen and other professionals like her. Reaching Qualified Distributor is a critical first step on the UW ‘stairway of success’. All new UW Partners must ‘graduate’ as a QD, before moving on to ‘Future Team Leader’ (FTL) and then ‘Team Leader’ (TL). By then simply duplicating this process with others, so further promotions become possible.
We need this now more than ever
Commenting on todays promotion to QD, Helen offered the following thoughts, “We are living in challenging times, where some of us are experiencing great difficulties. Challenging times call for creative solutions, and it is even better when such solutions can bring some sunshine into people’s lives by saving them money on their essential household utilities. We need this now more than ever.
Thanks for this fabulous opportunity and I totally recommend UW, both as a customer and as a flexible, part-time secondary income opportunity. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement, without which I would never have had the confidence to do this! I am already feeling the love from the UW family and am more motivated than ever to succeed.”
Well done Helen Adams – new UW Qualified Distributor, already inspiring others and looking forward to recognising you soon as a new UW Team Leader. To your success!
What is a Utility Warehouse (UW) Qualified Distributor (QD)?
Once a new UW Partner has completed their Getting Started online training and attended their Getting Started classroom training and then gathered three personal customers or been supported by a UW Supporting Partner to gather their first three personal customers, promotion to Qualified Distributor (QD) is achieved.
Qualified Distributors (QD’s) to receive customer gathering bonuses ‘CGB on every personal customer signed-up, plus residual Income on their personal customers monthly spend. Thereafter, once a QD starts to build their team, so group residual income on any customers becomes possible!