One of the unwritten benefits of being in Utility Warehouse is the friendships that happen along the way
Seize the moments, to create the memories, that last forever
“Seize the moments, to create the memories, that last forever” is one of my favourite mantras. And over the last 24 hours, thanks to this business, we created some memories that will last forever.
One of the wonderful things that our business creates is friendships with fab people from different walks of life who would otherwise perhaps never meet.
It was very kind of National Network Leader Steve and Katie Critchley to treat us all to a lovely afternoon tea in a top London hotel; followed by cocktails in The American Bar; followed by dinner in Le Caprice; then a night in a great room at the amazing ‘The Stafford’ hotel near Buckingham Palace; and then a lovely breakfast, all as part of the advanced celebrations for Steve’s 60th birthday this week.
Brilliant to spend time celebrating with Steve & Katie, SGL 1* Rob Barras and the lovely Emily (who qualified for India last week!), SGL 1* Keith Bassi and his gorge wife Marnie, and of course soon-to-be-SGL Steve Pankhurst.
Many years of friendship and camaraderie led to lots of laughs and great conversations, all of us remembering each other when our incomes were £10 per month and we were wondering if it was only us that people said ‘no’ to! We were able to recall many people that didn’t ‘keep the faith’ when the going seemed tough, and were all very grateful that we kept held of the rope.
It also helped all of us think bigger about the types of treats we would like to indulge in for ourselves and our nearest and dearest.
If you’re ever wondering if it will really take off…yes it does – providing you keep pushing, building, growing, following up, actively speaking to people and growing your team and customer base… and keeping hold of the rope.
I’m sure you’ll send a very happy 60th to Mr Critchley!