It’s simple – job security is a thing of the past – it’s gone & isn’t coming back! It’s a good time to join UW.
This article was first published in our Partner newsletter (Autumn 2018) and reading through it again, it seemed to fit both the current economic (corona virus) climate and also the scale of opportunity offered by the Utility Warehouse business. Stephan Longworth is a National Network Leader with Utility Warehouse and a fellow UW Partner who I hold in the very highest regard.
Why is now such a great time to become a UW Partner?
We’re on a roll, a tidal wave, an unstoppable purple team whose time has come. And now is the perfect time to be building your team by recruiting new Partners.
It’s simple. Job security is a thing of the past, it’s gone and isn’t coming back. Technology and artificial intelligence are replacing people’s jobs. Just look at all the ‘self-service’ there is now. I went to my high street bank recently, and guess what? No staff – only machines, replacing the work the bank clerks once did.
Now is the time to recruit and build a team!
Our company has proven the power of its business model and the company results go from strength to strength. So, don’t be a secret agent. You need to speak with everyone you know about our amazing opportunity to become a Partner. People will be grateful for the chance to join such a success story and become a Partner in your team.
Harness the power of our UW business model
Introduce someone to your team, then show them how to sponsor other people too. Then you’ll receive compensation on your team’s customers too. That’s what this opportunity means.
Just look at the graphic below, and see what the next four years could look like for your business. When you first started, there was just you making money. But say you recruited five people into your team over your first year, this could generate bonuses and income for you as they follow your example, gather new members, and recruit Partners too. So, in the second year, it won’t just be you in your job – those first five you recruited could also be recruiting more people… and so on.
After four years, you could have 780 team members in total from the initial five you recruited. Of course, that’s in the ideal world. You’ll need to keep in mind you need to recruit more than five people, as not all the new Partners who join your team will become as active as you. But, as you can see, the power of geometric growth is phenomenal.
I’ll leave you with a quote from one of the richest people ever to have lived:
‘I’d rather have 1% effort of 100 people than 100% of my own effort.’
John Paul Getty
Prepare for Take Off
In case you wondering why the picture of an aircraft – Stephan Longworth is also a renowned stage speaker and author. He has written two excellent books on the subject of success: The Impact System and Prepare For Take Off (in network marketing). These books are available online at