Utility Warehouse success story tells his story and the importance of never quitting
This week Wes was joined by homegrown Utility Warehouse success storywho was his usual inspiring, uplifting, relatable and passionate self. A humble for a chap who has been with Utility Warehouse for over 20 years and is one of the company’s most successful business builders. It’s interesting to consider that this top UW Partner was once told that he would amount to nothing and was teased at school for his upbringing and for being dyslexic. This man is a friend, inspiration and trusted mentor to 100’s of the company’s top teams and this evening Wes Linden and friends benefited massively from his grounded, pragmatic, yet ever-so inspiring views on what it takes to succeed as a Utility Warehouse Partner
Wes kicked off by explaining that his friend is a National Group Leader with Utility Warehouse and one of the company’s highest paid UW Partners -earning multiple six-figures with his home-based UW business and has earned residual at this level for a great many years.
His story continued – explaining that he is just an ordinary chap and spent 27 years building other people’s dreams – 15 years of which were spent at Manchester Airport. Our home-grown success joked that he once lost a Boeing 747 in the fog. Following divorce, he had to start again at the age of 41 – with two kids in a one bedroom flat. Big sayings are ‘never quit’ and ‘make bloody sure that you still here a year from today’. Part of the ridicule that was experienced growing up was linked to growing up on the same estate that Shameless was filmed – an estate where the dogs all walk around in pairs.
It might not be easy, but it's worth it
Looking back over his UW journey and what it takes to win-big, our UW success reflected that it might not be easy, but it’s worth it. He explained how he did not get off to the best start and that it took 18 months to reach his first 12 personal customers.
Early on he was blessed with the opportunity to catch the vision of Charles Wigoder. This was at a time where it cost a mere £199.75 to get started as a Utility Warehouse Distributor, versus the two million investment made by Charles. There was a slight difference in attitude he commented.

Don't study the roots - pick the fruit
Wes made a point that you do not need to wait 18 months to reach 12 personal customers. Draw a line in the sand and get on with it was the response – going on to explain that he has not had it easy, with his fair share of nay-sayers, dream stealers and setbacks. That’s par for the course of any business. Being a Utility Warehouse Distributor is no different.
Our UW success story then went on to talk about his friend ‘Larry’ who was less than encouraging – leading to a ‘why’ in the early days to prove Larry wrong in his negative opinions. Soon after followed a close personal bereavement, leading to being able to use this experience for the better and as a renewed reason why for earning success with Utility Warehouse. You must be mentally strong enough to overcome the guaranteed negative views of other people.
Don't study the roots - pick the fruit
How do you sell the dream when you do not yet have success? Do not be where I’m am – be where I’m going! We have all the evidence now – use it – but be yourself. Use the tools – use the virtual opportunities – use the team meetings. Use everything at your disposal and take continued daily action.
Utility Warehouse is a business that is rich in love and contribution – helping others to overcome their own procrastination and to get results. Some people study the roots, whilst others are picking the fruit. Have faith that the guys at the ‘front of the aircraft’ know what they are doing. Have faith that the company leadership are moving the business forward in the right direction.
Some people start this business with the idea of earning extra money – versus a growing number who see the Utility Warehouse as a serious ‘plan A’. He had a turning point at an event where his belief went from his head to his heart. Association made a big difference – getting around people with higher levels of belief is so important.
Stick at it through the tough time and don’t ever quit
Talking about the last recession – we saw a big rebound from 2008 on wards and massive growth. We have a moral responsibility to share the opportunity – be the messenger, not the message. People need to take their heads out of the sand and focus on creating ‘just in case’ money and stop investing in activities that have diminishing returns i.e. watching repeats on TV. We can help people with this business. With the current challenges, we are in the right place at the right time. We owe it to people to make them aware of the difference Utility Warehouse can make in peoples lives.
Touch your business every day! If someone does not want to build their business, to get into action – any old excuse will do. One degree of extra effort can make the difference – just like hot water and the difference between 99 and 100 degrees – one is hot and the other can drive a steam engine.
Do not wait and miss the opportunity. Go and build your dreams. There are more people killed each year in the UK by a goat than win the lottery!
It’s important to define your why. It’s not always the money or the flashy things. It might be giving to and/or helping others. Sometimes we are driven by fear. A good book to read is Know your Why by Simon Sinek.
Key to success is to read 10 pages of a good book everyday – that is around 14 books in a year. Abundance happens when you take action! See Knowledge Is King for some excellent self-development reading. When life gets tough – have some back-bone and resolve.
Closing thoughts: Is it worth it and why? Why not you and why not now – just go for it is the best advice. Quitting – it’s my rally call – even a clock that is broke is right twice each day – stick at it through the tough time and don’t ever quit. Put your big boots on and just go for it.