Electrician gets paid ongoing passive income promoting Utility Warehouse services
When I looked at the Utility Warehouse business opportunity I had an electrical contracting business and it was going well, the only problem I found was that when I was off on holiday or ill, as a business owner I didn’t earn money! So I had to work harder and longer before going on holiday to make up the loss in income.
As an electrician I saw the Utility Warehouse as a great way to help my customers save money on their electricity and other utility services. Also because we get paid based on the customers usage every month I saw it as a great way to build up an income that gets paid to me every month and even when I’m away when I’m holiday.
Originally I was only looking to build an income of around £200 a month, but now a few years on it’s become a lot more and in the very near future to be able to step out of the electrical contracting industry and continue working on my Utility Warehouse business, work on other interests and go on longer holidays and more often.
When I was working full time in my electrical business, I also employed 5 people which also had its drawbacks and I’ve heard being an employer likened to running an adult day centre, which it certainly felt like as well as all the red tape of employing people, became at times, a bit of a pain.I no longer have these issues as I don’t employee people now, however I have built a team of people that are great to work with and many have become friends.
I’ve only run my Utility Warehouse business part time alongside the electrical business but with a full time attitude and by doing so it allowed me to not have to take those jobs on that I really didn’t want to take on.
I once read about adding other strings to your bow in your business, having other income streams and if you’re looking for one then I can say Utility Warehouse can certainly give you that.