Utility Warehouse now pays there distributors on the Quick Income Plan (QUIP) with payments of up to £350 per customer!
If there has ever been a good time to get started with Utility Warehouse it really is now.
The Utility Warehouse has announced a new way to earn money called “QUIP”
Earn more money, more quickly with QUIP!
This really is great news for Partners! this brand new initiative – will be putting more money into our Utility Warehouse partners pockets more quickly than ever before, by giving them and you the chance to accelerate your residual income.
What does this mean?
You could receive an advance commission payment of up to £200 on each new member you gather when you become a Utility Warehouse Partner. Combined with the £50 CGB you receive on a Daffi-Gold member taking all five services, things brings your total up-front cash payment for a new customer up to a massive £250!
It’s been designed to:
- Help you recruit more new Partners, by giving them the opportunity to earn serious cash upfront to help them pay debts or meet other urgent cash-flow needs, while starting to build a meaningful long-term residual income;
- Give YOU the opportunity to earn more money, more quickly yourself while building your Utility Warehouse business on a part-time basis; and
- Enable Partners to give up their current jobs and build their Utility Warehouse business on a full-time basis, by enabling them to earn sufficient money to replace their salary in the short term, while still building a secure long-term financial future.
How does it work?
To provide you with larger up-front payments, the Utility Warehouse are accelerating the payment of some of the residual income you will earn on each new Daffi-Gold member you gather. This is in addition to your Customer Gathering Bonus, and the amount of the QUIP payment you can accelerate will depend on the size of your personal customer base.
New Partners can accelerate £50 of their residual income (taking their total upfront cash payment to £100 per new member); Partners with at least six personal customers can accelerate £75; Partners with 20 or more personal customers can accelerate £100… rising to a massive £200 once you reach our 100 Plus Club.
This really is great news if you are looking for a large payment upfront for working your Utility Warehouse Business as well as working towards growing a residual income also.
To find out more get in touch by clicking here and we will be in touch to answer any questions you may have. Terms and conditions apply see website and compensation plan for full information.