First ever Massive Action Day
Sunday 21st May 2006 saw Telecom plus host its first ever Massive Action Day (MAD). 750 self-employed Independent Utility Warehouse Distributors laid siege on Birmingham’s Centennial Centre for a day of motivation and celebration, led by several of the Company’s top Distributors.
Whilst the Utility Warehouse already boasts several thousand Distributors, MAD was the largest seminar to date, outside of the Company’s annual national conference – Express Day, which usually takes place during October.
The day featured key note speeches from Independent National Marketing Directors – Clive Leach and Steve Critchley, along with a rollercoaster ride of Distributor led testimonials of success and practical advice for those seeking the full potential offered by this unique business. Of particular note was the sheer range of occupations represented on the stage, with 95% of the Company’s Distributors working their distributorship alongside an existing career.
No common denominator was evident – either occupational, geographical or academic, with represented careers including Accountants, Air Line Pilots, Brick Layers, Property Investors, Farmers, Teachers, Air Stewards, Police Officers, Super Mums etc. If anything, the common denominator was simply a committed interest to escaping the rat-race.
Steve Critchley touched on beginnings back in 1997 when the Company launched with just one revolutionary ‘least call routing smart box’, even eluding to the frustration experienced by most of the Company’s first/pioneering Distributors, who paved the way to today’s Utility Warehouse of 250,000+ customers, 5,000+ Distributors and a portfolio of industry leading residential and business utility services. Steve talked of a changed opportunity from his early start with the Company, where today, new starters are succeeding faster and in greater numbers than ever before.
Steve suppressed the common misconception that this type of business is a ‘get rich quick scheme’ via a ‘warts and all’, frank overview of his financial progress since 1997. Of note was the fact that in his first nine months, Steve’s earnings amounted to a paltry £95, whilst eight persistent years later, Steve’s earnings place him firmly amongst the UK’s top 1%…along with increasing numbers of other Independent Distributors.
Clearly, the Utility Warehouse offers a tangible business opportunity, requiring consistent effort, but where the potential rewards from part-time hours can well exceed the spoils of a full-time career within just a few short years.