Building a Utility Warehouse is easy if you build it one day’s freedom at a time
How many people lose sight of their reasons for joining Telecom plus? After the emotion has passed, how many of us never really even get going with this great opportunity? Despite our awakening that we are 2-5 short years away from financial and time rewards far in excess of our current situation, many of us still find the path of least resistance an easier road to tread and continue with our daily 9 to 5. Crazy!
In the past we might have been forgiven for holding on to some doubts and questioning our decision to join. I for one have been guilty of this and can remember asking myself how a mere £100.00 investment (backed with a serious commitment) could ever compete with a well-paid career, pension plan, company car and fringe benefits. After all, I had status – an office with my name and posh title above the door, a PA, regular trips abroad, expenses account etc.
However, in the hard light of day, what does any of this count for in the face of redundancy, down-sizing, health challenges, stress, a broken marriage and any number of other hurdles that life can throw in our way? Whilst we cling to the relative safety of our current situation, what price are we paying for the illusion of success on our current road? Like the majority of the UK population, does our polished exterior, nice house, 2.3 kids, company car etc merely offer some temporary respite against uncertain futures, non-existent security and quiet inner desperation? There has to be a better way!
Mine is an ironic tale. Dissatisfied with my situation, some years ago, the decision was made to change. Handing back a fat salary, job title and company car – I was faced with a simple decision: Telecom plus or traditional business. Yet again, I could not believe that a ‘business in a box’ could ever seriously compare with a business investment of £30,000, loss of employee benefits and life sentence to work 100 plus hours per week. I wish at that time I heeded the words of a nice couple called Trevor and Karen (what did they know?!), whose frank and honest advice if taken seriously, could have saved me four years of learning it the hard way.
Until recently, what totally escaped my attention was the fact that my early days in Telecom plus and mere one-months commitment have yielded a great return. For some years, despite zero activity, Telecom plus kindly paid me between £50 and £150 every month for doing nothing other than the work I did years ago!
If in my previous employment I had adopted this kind of work ethic, a P45 would have quickly followed. If as a businessman, I had dared to cut my hours – serious consequences, and yet, despite my complacent attitude to Telecom plus, the cheques keep coming and no ‘We regret to inform you letter’ from Charles!
It was a financial colleague who suggested that a return of 2,500% was pretty good and asked if it would be possible to invest £199.75 as well. My perspective is that one-month invested in Telecom plus has delivered a royalty based salary worth one day’s freedom per month. If I had listened to Trevor and Karen some 48 months ago, how many days of my life per month would I now own?
So, if like me you sit at the back of COPs for fear of being asked when you joined Telecom plus or rationalise why the business has yet to work for you, perhaps its time to forget your past failings, grab hold of this great opportunity and see how many days of freedom in every month you can create for yourself. Its just a decision.
Two months ago, I took a trip to London to meet with a chap called Wes Linden. I asked him a few direct questions and was pleased by his equally frank responses. We compared my fifteen years in a career and four years in business with the results that he and numerous other leaders in Telecom plus can testify to. Facts don’t lie and if you were to take stock of your current situation in a similar way, what conclusion would you draw and what subsequent action would you take?
I now have my 2-5 year plan back in place, with time allocated and a great deal of optimism for a changed tomorrow. In two months, with a little work and some well placed up-line guidance, I’m back on track, have doubled the size of the team and have carved another days freedom. How about you?